Thursday 29 September 2011

You May Remove Cardio From Your Workout Regimen After Reading the Turbulence Training Book

If you are slightly heavier than you'd prefer to be, you are in all likelihood one of the many people who have attempted jogging to lose a few pounds. There is an equally good chance that your feet and ankles were so sore the next day that you made a promise not to run or jog forever, especially if you had not jogged for many years, since your joints were not prepared for any vigorous exertion, and howled in protest. Muscles so sore you could hardly walk, considering seeing a doctor. Been there, done that? If you read what's inside the turbulence training book, you may skip the cardiovascular routine, especially if you have a lot of fat to get rid of.

In the turbulence training book you will see that there is an alternative to the ineffective and time consuming cardio workouts that do little to boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat. These cardio exercises, which include jogging, long treadmill workouts, exercise bikes and the like, are not only long, but boring too. Most people using them to lose belly fat find themselves spending an hour or two each day, with little to show for their time, trouble, and expense, whether they are paying for a gym membership or buying their own equipment to workout at home. It simply is not the answer to fast, efficient fat loss.

The turbulence training book, written by Craig Ballantyne, is a wildly popular book that is being used by thousands upon thousands of people to lose fat quickly. People who have given up the fruitless task of losing their love handles by pounding the pavement or wearing out a treadmill swear by this turbulence training book, as do trainers and fitness experts across the country, including Jillian Michaels from the hit TV show "The Biggest Loser", who says her workouts became much shorter, and that she saw changes in her body composition quicker than with any other workout program she had ever done.

So what can you expect to find in this turbulence training book? You will find that the answer to losing fat quickly does not involve long, boring cardio workouts, but rather short, high intensity interval training in quick bursts, involving several body parts at once. Instead of lifting light weights with lots of reps, you lift more weight fewer times, which is one of the foundations of the program. When you combine the metabolism boosting interval strength training with the included whole, natural food nutritional guide, you can start losing two pounds of belly fat each week, starting immediately.

You Could Choose a Diet Plan For You

Don't you despise those diets that contain just a single recipe item? You are forced to eat a single food for an entire year just to lose 5 lbs? Granted, some of these specialized diets really help individuals persons lose weight, and if you like the ingredients enough beforehand, then simply do it. But if you're amongst those individuals persons that wants to get a variety of food to choose from, then you need to just try developing your personal healthy dietary plan.

There are a lot of healthy meal plans recipe guides available online and in books, but they all contain the same basic thoughts. All of the food ingredients are natural, low in unhealthy, and stuffed in nutrients. A lot of these food types are made in very little oil, and if you find the right recipes, they can taste even better than their oily cousins.

Many individuals persons have been educated to eat bad ingredients. It's not your fault that you don't like healthy ingredients because society has said to you that fat tastes good. You have to re-configure your mind to think about grease, fat, and oil as harmful items rather than tasty food. Often times individuals persons don't lose weight with diets because they cant put their mentality in the right place. The mental condition of a dietary plan is a big part of the conflict though. You must focus your mind on thinking differently just as much as you do eating differently.

Finding how to eat in a whole new way can be tough, and some individuals persons take months just to get their brains to think differently. Don't get frustrated if you see yourself tempted to fall back into your old food habits. It's perfectly natural, and it will happen from time to time. If you wish to eliminate weight though, you're going to have to not think about the thing that is blocking you from eating healthy foods and progress with your remaining life. You will be very pleased with yourself when you're done.

You on a Diet Book Review - Pros and Cons of You on a Diet

You on a Diet is a weight loss book written by two doctors and TV experts, Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. The book became a huge bestseller in the US and around the world, pushed by the two famous authors.

You on a Diet has excellent reviews by its many readers. It has become established as a worthwhile book to read by anyone who wishes to lose weight and to keep it off for a long time and to do it in the right way, the healthy way.

The two authors do a great job presenting the book in a light, easy to read, humor filled style, and you can learn a lot from it on how to eat right to lead a healthy and leaner life.

However, there are also cons of this book and it's good to lay out the full pros and cons of You on a Diet.


  • The book contains detailed tips on how to boost your metabolism
  • The book is easy to follow and presents a convenient weight loss program
  • Doable menus
  • Encourages healthy food choices and eating habits
  • Strives to induce a true lifestyle transformation
  • Provides menu plans and useful recipes


  • The book does without calorie counting which may be suitable for some people but less for other who need to be more accountable and orderly.
  • At 384 pages, this book is a little long for easy reading. It could have been done shorter.
  • Some of the food may require a big change for many readers, especially those used to traditional American food.

Overall, You on a Diet is a good book to read and learn from and it provides a sensible way to lose weight. It is worth a read.

Visit You on a Diet Review to see more about this book.
Go to Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review for an alternative weight loss plan which is even simpler.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Plan By Joel Marion - Lose Excess Fat in Just 25 Days

Who would've thought that losing fat is this fast? Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Plan by Joel Marion is a new diet program out in the market which has been gaining popularity since its release. This program focuses on losing weight in a fast and safe way.

Written by a nutrition and fitness expert, dubbed as one of America's Top 50 personal Trainers, this new diet plan is definitely a way to achieve a sexy body in no time. Joel Marion developed unique diet plans which are coupled with exercise routine to achieve the 25 pound weight loss in 25 days.

So how does this diet plan work?

The author designed a five day cycle which is to be repeated five times to achieve the 25 days of diet. There are different diet plans for each day.

Every first day is the Cheat Day where you get to eat those fatty foods you crave. This will help preserve your leptin, a hormone which maintains metabolism in the body. Leptin is lost with continuous cutting off of calories. Increasing your metabolism will help burn fat in a faster way. Cheat day is done only once in five days to offset fat storage which also comes with leptin preservation. A density Workout is also done on this day for the same reason.

Shake Day is when you get to drink specially formulated nutritional shake as your source of the right calories. This is coupled with strengthening workouts to maintain the lean body.

Fast Day is not really a fast day per se, rather it is day where you consume really low amounts of calorie, lower than that in shake day. This is the day when your leptin are at the highest level, boosting your metabolism to the fullest while your calories is low, burning off a massive amount of fat in the process. The diet is coupled with lactic acid workouts which will definitely cut off excess fats.

In moderate Carb day, you will have to eat food the right amount of calories come from proteins, carbs and fats coupled with high metabolic exercises to optimized fat loss.

Fifth day is the Lactic Acid training day when most of your body's energy is depleted to prepare for the Cheat day.

The 25- day cycle can be done every 8 to 12 weeks. In between, you can do moderate exercises to maintain the lean body mass. The exercises are done in the house. But a trip to the gym won't hurt either.

The outline of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Plan may seem intensive but, as with other fitness programs, dedication to stick in the program is a must.

Workouts That Have The Most Calorie Burn

When looking for a workout programme that will result in burning the most calories in the least amount of time, we should opt for high intensity and high speed cardio workouts. Below are a few examples of workouts that, although may seem challenging for some of us, are ideal for burning the most calories in the least possible time. Of course our results may vary, as the estimated amount of calories burned can be determined by many factors. We are all different, both in weight and fitness ability, so calorie burn between different individuals can only be estimated. Some of us may be much heavier than others and the ability to achieve maximum intensity in our workouts may not be possible for some of us.

Before embarking on an exercise programme, we should think about a general health check with our doctor first. It is also recommended that we ensure that we allow an adequate warm up period prior to any exercise workout and a cooling down period afterwards.

Running and Sprinting

Alternately running and sprinting at speed is one of the best calorie-burning exercises. We could achieve a calorie burn up of between 400-500 calories in a 30 minute session. The negative side of this running and sprinting routine is that we may have to increase our fitness level gradually to work up to optimum pace, which may take some time if we do not regularly exercise. There is also a high risk of injury problems with this exercise such as pulled muscles, ankle, knee and hip-joint trauma.


Jogging is much more achievable for many of us as it is less intense, but can still burn up to 300 calories in a 30 minute session. We can maximise the calories burned by jogging in hilly areas or jogging up steps and stairs, we can also include occasional sprinting sessions. The advantage of jogging is that we can begin with a brisk walk, gradually working up to a gentle jog until we feel tired then slow back down to a brisk walk again and keep alternating between the two.


Cycling is an excellent form of exercise, either using a stationary bicycle or riding outdoors. As cycling is a low impact activity, there is less risk of injury and is less likely to cause damage to muscles and joints compared to running. 30 minutes of cycling can result in a burning of 500 calories. A stationary bicycle can be ideal for exercise during wet or icy weather conditions, or can easily be made less of a chore if we listen to music or watch television or DVDs.


There are lots of choices of aerobic workouts that burn lots of calories. Many include dance routines, whilst others include equipment such as exercise balls or dumbbells. Step aerobics, which involves stepping up and down on a step on the floor, is an excellent, fast paced workout. There are also numerous aerobic workout DVDs which are often inexpensive and can make the aerobic experience much more enjoyable and give lots of variety and inspiration.

Our main objective, as well as burning calories, is to increase our heart rate and boost our overall fitness. Combined with a healthy, balanced diet, our fitness programme is sure to result in weight loss and a general feeling of well being.

Dave Townley

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about your weight problem. Click here to get the information you need to effectively start your dieting regime. If you're ready to read more about how tips to burn stomach fat can help you with your weight loss, visit our burn calories page and download the free 7 Dieting Mistakes Report.