Thursday 29 September 2011

Truth About Six Pack Abs eBook - Not What I Thought it Would Be

Another new year, another resolution, and another weight loss eBook. This article discusses my thoughts, opinions, and experience reading the popular eBook The Truth About Six Pack Abs. Before I share my thoughts here is a quick overview of what the program is.

The Truth About Six pack abs was written by a certified personal trainer Michael Geary back in 2006 and is marketed as a program to rid belly fat and get rock hard 6 pack abs. If you are reading this article, chances you already know a little about the program but are having trouble finding information from people that have actually read the book. Look no further, here we go.

The first few pages of the eBook, I have to admit, got me a little motivated. It addressed a lot topics including being open minded, what to expect with the program, what's required to perform the exercises, being prepared to change, and being prepared to do some physical activity. I thought this section was longer than it needed to be but I can understand that it was laying a good foundation for the program and setting expectations.

The next few chapters were dedicated to teaching about the differences between healthy and unhealthy fats/carbs, as well as, how the body process the foods we eat. I'm fairly knowledgeable about this kind of stuff so a lot of the points I already understood. However, the way these topics were explained in the book gave a different perspective. Especially the part explaining the differences in the proteins found in factory raised animals as oppose to grass fed / free range animals.

There were 72 meal plan ideas on page 48 containing foods that are pretty easy to make. Included in this section was also sample meal times and frequency. I commend Mike for repeating numerous times up to this point that the meals and feeding times he provides are examples only and will differ from person to person.

Now you would think with a title like Truth About Abs that the eBook would primarily be about getting a rock hard stomach but it's quite the opposite. Although a few chapters are dedicated to explaining how the abdominals work and what ab exercises are best, the majority of focus is put on how much more effective total body workouts are. There is a detailed list of exercises including pictures and how to properly execute them. For some of the exercises, the pictures provided were not enough so I had to spend some time on YouTube to see how the form should look. I enjoy reading and learning about this kind of stuff but unless you're really into it, this section of the eBook could be a bit boring.

Contrary to the name of the program, this program is not just about getting a six pack. To my surprise it ended up being more of a lifestyle type diet. No supplements, no gimmicks, just good old fashioned eating and exercise. I think the book was very well written and had a nice flow to it.

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