Thursday 29 September 2011

Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know - Dr Simeons' Solution

Americans are in love with conspiracies. And every time we are presented with the possibility of getting the inside info to things big companies and influential individuals don't want us to know about, we hungrily jump into the chance even if that means we would pay for the information. Such is the case of the book Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know by Kevin Trudeau.

Why it is controversial:
According to Trudeau, the secret to immediate weight loss is something big companies do not want the public to know. It is a concoction of pills, cleanses, injections and selections of organic foods that will turn the body into a fat burning machine--these are the products the book recommends.

The first 7 chapters of the book is dedicated to the discussion of the "conspiracy theory", which allegedly involves medical and pharmaceutical companies, American Medical Association, international medical establishments, and even the FDA. With a claim as huge as this, you know exactly why it's not good.

The weight loss cure:
According to this book, the weight loss cure comes in four phases.

First phase allows the dieters to switch to an organic diet. For this, the author recommends a long list of allowable and not allowable foods, and various rituals that are supposed to cleanse the colon and liver as well as rejuvenate the entire body. These prepare the body for weight loss.

The second phase is where weight loss sets in. Strict adherence to the prescribed diet of organic foods is recommended along with regular injections of human chorioinic gonadotropin hormone. This is the hormone produced during pregnancy and is found in the urine of pregnant women.

The third phase is where eating the right foods in lesser quantities kicks in. At this point, hCG injections are stopped. However, the dieter will have to continue undergoing the unconventional cleansing methods prescribed by the book.

The fourth phase involves serious detoxification processes.

If you love this kind of stuff, suit yourself and buy the book. Otherwise, pass and find a more sensible weight-loss plan.

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