Thursday 29 September 2011

Physical Fitness Increases Mental and Financial Fitness - My Body By Vi Transformation

When I first started my Body By Vi Weight Loss journey, I looked at it as a way to finally shed the weight that I have carried for 4 or 5 years, maybe more.

What I didn't expect to happen when I joined the challenge, was to see so many areas of my life impacted in such a positive way.

My story isn't any different than thousands of others out there. I used food for comfort. During a very trying and painful part of my life, I turned to food - food made me feel better about my situation, about where I had landed in life, and food was my friend.

When I felt stress, I ate. When I was sad, I ate. When I was mad, I ate.

I laugh now, because I actually remember a time that I got VERY upset with my local dry cleaner. I was convinced that they had shrunk every item of my clothing, because my clothes weren't fitting anymore!

I look back and realize that I as I grew in size, I shrank in confidence. I slowly lost confidence in my abilities, and I no longer loved me.

It was only when I saw a picture of myself at Christmas time last year that I realized that the dry cleaner hadn't shrunk my clothes, I had eaten myself into morbid obesity. I had medicated myself with food to the point that I was killing myself.

That picture made me decide that enough was enough. I wanted my life back, and I made a commitment to get healthy, to eat better, and to shed the pounds that I had insulated myself with.

My body was a reflection of all the emotions that I had simply refused to deal with, and now, I was ready to deal with these issues, take a good long look at who I thought I was, and what I had allowed my life to become.

Weight Loss Medication - A short cut I don't recommend

From December to April of this year, I used a weight loss medication to lose weight. I have to tell you, that while the weight came off, I was completely miserable. The weight was coming off, but I was so amped up all the time that I couldn't sleep at night, and I was cranky, and moody. If I forgot to take the medication, I went right back to bad eating for the day, and I would sabotage my own success. I was able to lose 70 pounds using this method, and then I had to stop taking the supplements. I couldn't survive without sleeping, and I was walking around sleep deprived and angry all the time!

I decided to start exercising, but because I had literally starved the 70 pounds off of me, my old eating habits were back with a vengeance, so I began to gain the weight back.

The Body By Vi Weight Loss Challenge - Will It Work?

When the Body by Vi challenge was introduced to me, I was a bit skeptical to say the least. I had tried diet after diet, with little or no success.

I decided that I had nothing to lose, and I joined the Body by Vi Challenge. As the weight began to come off I was encouraged, and I really love the way the shakes taste, so it has been very easy to stay on track.

What's awesome about the Body by Vi challenge is that it helped me to make a decision about my lifestyle. I made a commitment to change the way that I eat, and how I view food. The Vi Shape shakes helped me to conquer my biggest Achilles heel, cravings for bad food choices, and I really LOVE how I feel after working out. My recovery time is much quicker, and residual soreness from my workouts is minimal, which is huge.

I could be down for the rest of the day after taking a two mile walk on the beach, and be sore for a week after a 3 -5 mile hike. Now, I hike up to 7 to 9 miles for exercise, and I operate business as usual for the rest of day, with enough energy and stamina to get ALL of my tasks done. I LOVE IT.

For me, The Body By Vi Challenge required a commitment to change...everything

I chose hiking as my exercise of choice - It gets me outdoors, and I get to experience the fresh air, beautiful flowers and the feeling of great accomplishment when I finish. I started hiking before I started the challenge, and a great surprise was to feel how much stronger I've become. The protein in the shakes is helping me to see muscles and tone that I never thought that I would see again!

What I didn't expect from the Body By Vi Challenge

What I didn't expect to happen when I joined the Body By Vi Challenge? I didn't expect that other areas of my life would be impacted in such a positive way.

I didn't expect that I would finally be able to overcome my struggle with weight. I still have some way to go to my weight loss goal, but I KNOW, not just THINK that I WILL reach my goal weight.

I didn't expect that I would begin to examine other areas of struggle in my life, and that I would develop the discipline to address bad habits, in a positive way.

I didn't expect that as my weight began to drop and my fitness level began to increase, that my internet marketing business would literally triple.

I didn't expect to my confidence level to increase, and that I would walk a little taller, hold my head a little higher, smile a lot brighter, and feel a lot happier.

I didn't expect that the positive energy that I began to feel inside would begin to project outwardly, and that it would attract wonderfully talented, wildly successful and genuine, caring people into my world.

I didn't expect to believe in myself more, and to finally come into an acceptance of loving who I am, and what I bring to the world.

I didn't expect to come to a knowledge and an acceptance of MY WORTH.

I didn't expect to have the confidence and passion to want to share these wonderful gifts that I have received to everyone that I know, and for those who have similar stories as mine, that I don't know.

Finally, I didn't expect that a simple weight loss challenge, known as the Body By Vi Challenge, would literally end up being a life transformation, helping me to discover a better, more positive, and loving me.

Isn't it an amazing thing, when you become a part of something for one reason, and end up benefiting in more ways than you could have ever imagined?

Are you ready for your transformation? Then it's time you joined me on the Challenge - The Body By Vi Challenge

Have a blessed week!

PS. I'm saving my after photos for a BIG Reveal! Stay Tuned!

About The Author

For More Information on how I lost over 75 pounds and changed my life forever, check out the Body By Vi Challenge.

Alecia is a professional internet marketer who specializes in teaching others how to be successful with online marketing.

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