Thursday 29 September 2011

Weight Loss - Top Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Even the most dedicated and focused dieters can be hit by setbacks. There are so many situations in life that can take you by surprise and leave you unprepared. And being unprepared is what sets most diets back, because when we don't have a food plan it's so easy to reach for junk food. But if you can know the common pitfalls in advance you will be able to see them coming - and you'll know how to deal with them, too. Here are the ten most common situations that set dieters back - and our tips to overcome them.

Work. No matter where you work, it can be a real centre for temptation. Most employers provide a break room for their workers and this is the hub of the problem. Treats, birthdays, staff parties - there always seems to be cupcakes or candy hanging around in there for one reason or another. Add to that the temptation of vending machines, coupled with boredom and the 3pm slump, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

How to avoid it: Having a small piece of candy here or a slice of cake there may not seem like much, but it all adds up. Make a note of every time you eat in work and you'll soon see the extent of the problem. Practice saying a firm but polite 'no thank you' when offered a treat in work. Keep dried fruit or nuts at your desk and have a handful so you don't feel left out when everyone else is munching. Your weight loss plan will thank you for it!

Eating out. Going out to restaurants can really faze some people who are watching their food intake. They feel that they will have to eat high calorie, high fat foods, and that they won't be able to resist dessert if others are having it. Some people avoid going out altogether out of fear. But this doesn't have to be the case.

How to avoid it: Believe it or not, you can make good choices at any restaurant out there. Instead of fries, ask your waiter for an extra portion of veg. If a dish has a rich sauce, ask for it to be served on the side. You can have a little taste of it, but your meal won't be covered in it.

Giving up after a fail. Say you've had a bad day on your weight loss plan. You didn't make it to the gym, or you ate more than you planned to.What do you do? Many people chose to give up at this point because they view one bad day as a total failure.

How to avoid it: This is a prime example of negative thinking. But you need to turn those thoughts positive if you are to succeed on your weight loss plan. Sure, one bad day is a setback, but it's not the end of the world. Brush yourself off and vow to do better tomorrow.

Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo. Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight.

You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.

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