Thursday, 29 September 2011

Never Diet Again - The Art of Feeling Full

Dr. Michael Snyder has written a book that he hopes helps readers learn how to gauge their "fullness" levels so they never have to diet again. FULL: A Life Without Dieting tells you why diets don't work and if you do rely on them it becomes a roller coaster of weight gain and loss.

Snyder is well qualified to write this groundbreaking book. For 15 years, he's been a full time practicing bariatric surgeon and has seen patients go through radical procedures, hoping to transform their lives and lose unwanted pounds for health or cosmetic reasons.

Following these patients and their life-long struggles with weight has made an impact on Dr. Snyder and FULL: A Life Without Dieting offers new hope by teaching scientific principles that he's learned throughout the years.

Contrary to popular belief, the struggle with weight doesn't end with a bariatric procedure. As Snyder followed his patients, he realized that the same old eating patterns are hard to die, and that more must be done to help people realize when they're really FULL, and learn to stop eating at that point.

FULL: A Life Without Dieting is the result of Synder's research into the subject of dieting and sustaining weight loss. This book offers a new approach to the subject of dieting and, once read and understood, it can prevent die-hard dieters from ever considering dieting again.

Those readers who have 80 or more pounds to lose have tried diets that just added more weight in the end - or are contemplating surgery -- will be amazed and delighted with the perspective offered in FULL: A Life Without Dieting. The book can be especially helpful to women, who seem to struggle with their weight more than men.

In FULL, you'll learn how to once and for all stop being obsessed with food and eating. It teaches you how to be happy when you eat and not feel guilt when you have a fast-food meal or piece of dessert. Snyder's principles outlined in the book teach you how to manage your appetite so you'll know when your hunger has been satisfied and it's okay to quit eating.

Fullness, rather than appetite becomes the focus of your eating experiences and you'll learn how to "take advantage of the 5 intentional steps of digestion to gain effortless control of your dietary behaviors without resorting to self-discipline or willpower."

FULL: A Life Without Dieting is the first weight loss book to offer an insider's perspective from the experience of a gastric bypass surgeon and in a way that anyone can understand. Snyder's book is full of helpful ways for you to recognize the cues (both visual and physiological) that will end the diet cycle, eat what you want -- and still lose weight.

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