Thursday 29 September 2011

The Burn Fat Book Reviews - "The Kind Diet" - Could This Be Your Healthy Way to Lose Weight?

Welcome to another of my book reviews. "But do we need another healthy way to lose weight burn fat book?", you may ask. I'm sure most will agree real solutions are needed. We are in a overweight crisis in this country and around the world. We, by in large, are losing the battle of the bulge, giving way to an epidemic of obesity. This book has some answers in my opinion and begins with a great endorsement in its opening pages.

Neal Barnard, M.D., clinical researcher, author, and health advocate gives the foreword in Silverstone's book. He has been the principal investigator or co-investigator on several clinical trials investigating the effects of diet on health. As the principal investigator of several human clinical research trials, Barnard's work is published many in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.

Dr. Barnard a gives a pretty strong endorsement of the book. His statements suggests Silverstone's work is not just another healthy way to lose weight burn fat book but it could be life changing and world impacting. Now with that coming from a person of such notable credentials in the medical community is a powerful endorsement I would say. With that said, let me be so bold as to mention a viewpoint in the pages of The Kind Diet I don't 100% agree with.

It has to do with what the book says about the eating of animals. If you enjoy occasional chicken or beef and cannot "stomach" the idea of not satisfying that urge for an occasional burger you may not be able to adapt to "The Kind Diet". The foundation of the book is solidly 100% vegetarianism. Not even chicken breast nor high in omega 3, baked salmon is a possible consideration in the diet. No meat at all.

The real problem I have with the argument against eating meat is that it seems to be viewed as a moral issue as well as a health issue in the book. I actually agree that adopting a vegan lifestyle, though I am not vegetarian myself, can be a healthy way to lose weight for obvious reasons.

As much as I agree with this author on many points, I have to say that I beg to differ on the moral issue of eating meat and have expressed my opinion in a blog article. The article is entitled "Eating Meat: A Health Issue or Moral Issue" It is my personal view on the morality of eating meat. My blog link is at the end of this article if you would like to visit my "Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Burn Fat" blog for more on my personal view.

The philosophy of The Kind Diet is certainly a healthy way to lose weight and burn fat. It may not be for everyone, however, I strongly recommend to my blog readers get "The Kind Diet" if for nothing else but the delicious, weight loss, fat burning, health enhancing recipes in the back of the book.

Overall, I feel The Kind Diet' s practical instruction on how and what to eat is certainly destined to bring to many sustained health and a level of wellness that otherwise could not be obtained through traditional approaches.

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