Thursday, 29 September 2011

Our Lady of Weight Loss - All is Forgiven - Lifestyle Guide That Will Help You

There is a special book available in the market today entitled, Our Lady of Weight Loss: All is Forgiven, which is written by Janice Taylor, a weight-loss coach and motivational speaker. It narrates her journey and life long battle to losing weight and where she emerges victorious as she successfully lost 50 pounds and is able to keep it. It is light and funny for she intersperse her narration with witty and crazy humor, guidelines, quizzes, maxims, songs and recipes.

Even the title of this book seems an enigma, but it is meant to express the fear and anxiety you undergo in losing pounds and gaining them back. You find it difficult to reach your goal for you have committed an insignificant sin in your dietary regimen; and that you cannot forgive. You need to forgive yourself for your weakness in not being successful in maintaining the weight you have lost. Learn to love yourself, not in an egoistic manner, but in accepting your imperfections

This is obviously not a diet manual, but a guide to change your ways in dealing and envisioning food, as pointers on considering your food weaknesses, wise advice and useful tips; your grocery trips will be minus the danger of buying food that welcome back those extra pounds; and acquiring correct eating habits at home and away from home.

The author's sense of humor is great, even the title of her recipes have funny names such a Take a Miracle Dip, Peach Keen Vintage Cobbler and Walk on the Mild Side of Pasta. The recipes are both simple and easy to follow.

Exercise is an important part of reducing and a wonderful excuse to have fun while playing badminton and swimming. Find a suitable partner and get into action. The negative comments given to this program: it is only for women, and that it is too flexible for calories are not counted.

This is a lifestyle book that alters your dysfunctional action and ways of thinking that cause you to regain those extra pounds.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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