Thursday 29 September 2011

The Abs Diet Book Review by Huntington Beach Boot Camp Trainer

The Abs Diet: the Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life by David Zinczenko (I don't know how to pronounce his name, but he is a good writer, so pick up this book and I know you'll enjoy it).

We live in Huntington Beach where it's great to have a toned midsection for the beach, and boot camp alone will help give that to you. But quality nutrition is super important too. Eating for abs revolves around a dozen delicious foods called in the book the "power 12." The idea is to base most of your meals on these 12 food groups. The gist is that each meal should involve at least 2 foods from the list below.

An easy way to remember these top food picks is to use the acronym, ABS DIET POWER.

A: Almonds and other nuts
B: Beans and other legumes
S: Spinach and other green vegetables
D: Dairy (fat-free or low-fat)
I: Instant oatmeal (unsweetened and unflavored)
E: Eggs (I like to buy organic, free-range)
T: Turkey and other lean meats
P: Peanut butter
O: Olive Oil
W: Wholegrain breads and cereals
E: Extra protein (whey powder in shakes and smoothies is quick and easy)
R: Raspberries and other berries

Each of the Abs Diet foods are been chosen in part for their healthy (and stealthy) secret weapons; the nutrients that will give you your abs!

All of these foods have secret weapons to:
* Power up your natural fat burners
* Protect you from illness and injury
* Keep you lean and fit for life

The nutritional ingredients that you want to focus on are protein, mono and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, and calcium.

The nutritional ingredient you want to limit are refined carbohydrates (or high glycemic index carbohydrates), saturated fats, transfats, and high-fructose corn syrup. Duh! Also limit your alcohol consumption to 2-3 drinks per week to maximize the benefits of the Abs Diet plan. Ahh man!

To bring out your shapely abs, aim to eat six smaller meals, spaced evenly throughout the day. Eat snacks two hours before larger meals, because this seems to really help with overeating. There's no counting calories, measuring food or weighing portions, or with the Abs Diet plan, and that is something I really appreciate. And by focusing on the Power 12 foods should regulate your hunger so you feel satisfied yet don't over eat. Still, it's always smart to have reasonable portions and cover your plate with good proteins, grains and healthy fat.

Don't forget to partner your new Abs Diet eating habits with a solid and well-rounded training program. Come try my Huntington Beach boot camp or personal training and I'll even give you a free trial just to come out and say hi!

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