Thursday 29 September 2011

You May Remove Cardio From Your Workout Regimen After Reading the Turbulence Training Book

If you are slightly heavier than you'd prefer to be, you are in all likelihood one of the many people who have attempted jogging to lose a few pounds. There is an equally good chance that your feet and ankles were so sore the next day that you made a promise not to run or jog forever, especially if you had not jogged for many years, since your joints were not prepared for any vigorous exertion, and howled in protest. Muscles so sore you could hardly walk, considering seeing a doctor. Been there, done that? If you read what's inside the turbulence training book, you may skip the cardiovascular routine, especially if you have a lot of fat to get rid of.

In the turbulence training book you will see that there is an alternative to the ineffective and time consuming cardio workouts that do little to boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat. These cardio exercises, which include jogging, long treadmill workouts, exercise bikes and the like, are not only long, but boring too. Most people using them to lose belly fat find themselves spending an hour or two each day, with little to show for their time, trouble, and expense, whether they are paying for a gym membership or buying their own equipment to workout at home. It simply is not the answer to fast, efficient fat loss.

The turbulence training book, written by Craig Ballantyne, is a wildly popular book that is being used by thousands upon thousands of people to lose fat quickly. People who have given up the fruitless task of losing their love handles by pounding the pavement or wearing out a treadmill swear by this turbulence training book, as do trainers and fitness experts across the country, including Jillian Michaels from the hit TV show "The Biggest Loser", who says her workouts became much shorter, and that she saw changes in her body composition quicker than with any other workout program she had ever done.

So what can you expect to find in this turbulence training book? You will find that the answer to losing fat quickly does not involve long, boring cardio workouts, but rather short, high intensity interval training in quick bursts, involving several body parts at once. Instead of lifting light weights with lots of reps, you lift more weight fewer times, which is one of the foundations of the program. When you combine the metabolism boosting interval strength training with the included whole, natural food nutritional guide, you can start losing two pounds of belly fat each week, starting immediately.

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