Thursday 29 September 2011

The Mars & Venus Diet - Exercise Solution

I had the delight of listening to and interacting with John Gray PH.D at a conference in Las Vegas last week. I have been to several of John's events which are always a delightful learning experience.

John states on the cover of his book that this is the solution to "Creating the Brain Chemistry of Health, Happiness, and Lasting Romance". He guides us through the steps of how food affects our mood and relationships and how excess stress can lead to overeating for some of us. John is a genius for taking the highly complex scientific material and presenting the information in a simply way, then going on to make practical applications that can change people's lives.

Combining the five realms of health is critical, as each area impacts the other areas and yet the answers for optimal health are very different for males and females. This is truly the key to making this information work they each need their own solutions to balancing their brain chemistry.

He states that there are only three basic guidelines we need to follow to be successful with this program. I like that there are only three guidelines even I can follow that.

John also goes into depth in the chapters on "Having a Healthy Relationship with Food", and "Eating for Your Body Type".

Chapter 13 " Your Body is Designed to heal itself" if chocked full of great ideas and tools to support you in creating a healthy body.

I am going to take the challenge in Chapter 8 "Say Good Bye to Dieting" I am going to follow this program and report to you on the progress I am encountering along the way. Check in on my blog periodically for my updates. I would like to put out a challenge that you purchase the book and follow along with me. This endeavor will be much more successful if you have someone you are accountable to during the process. I am available to anyone who would like to partner up for this challenge. Are you up to the challenge?

Lastly think of the Blueprint of the lifestyle you really want to create and how your are incorporating your new ways of eating into that life now. Do you think that your current eating and exercise habits, performance, behavior, attitude and beliefs are congruent with how you chose to design and lead your life? What can you do to bring those life changing factors into alignment?

Once you start to transform your health, performance, behavior, attitude and beliefs, your whole life will transform and you will be able to create the wealth you deserve in your life. Set aside a few minutes each day to work on and learn about how you can reach your goals. John Gray is a faculty member of and shares more in-depth information on several topics.

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