Thursday 29 September 2011

Weight Loss Boot Camp - "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin (Book Review)

Do you have a friend who has a slim, sleek body? Do you hate her? Are you thick in the middle, or just plan over weight? Do you want to lose weight? Well, change your choices, change your life. In "Skinny Bitch", Rory and Kim give you a, no nonsense, kick in the pants approach to helping you to lose weight. If you can get by the frequent use of expletive deleted phrases, it is a very good book.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The insanity of diets is that a person gives up food, starves, and loses weight. When they finally reach their goal, they go back to the old eating habits and are very surprised when the weight returns. Sometimes people need to be shocked into new behavior. If you are too comfortable in your current food habits, but you are unhappy abut your weight, this is the book for you.

The truth is that the human body needs carbohydrates. It is fuel. You want whole grain foods, not enriched or fortified. Whole foods like potatoes, yams, barley, corn, brown rice, beans, hummus, lentils, quinoa, and millet have all the macro and micro nutrients you body needs and recognizes. They fill you up with good nutrition and fiber. Oh, eat lots of fruit. Fruit may be the perfect food. It digests easily, providing carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fruits aid in detoxifying the body and in regular elimination.

The authors spend a chapter on sugar. Refined sugar is devoid of any nutritional value. All the enzymes, fiber, vitamins and minerals are destroyed during the refining process. Refined sugar has been linked to low blood sugar, Candida, hyperactivity, depression, cavities and it makes you fat. But there are sweets you can use in your food. Some of the approved sweet suggestions include stevia, brown rice syrup, real maple syrup, and molasses.

Main stream meat is very toxic. Cattle, poultry, pigs are raised to get the most meat, fast. They are given hormones and antibiotics. Corn and grain feed is laced with pesticides and herbicides. When you eat food that contains hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides, it affects your body? Children are reaching physical puberty at much earlier ages, most likely do to hormones in meat, milk, cheese and eggs. The wide use of antibiotics has resulted in new strains of super bacteria that are drug resistant. Pesticides and herbicides are poisons. They are stored in the fat cells.

Did you ever wonder how the body digests meat? According to the authors, our bodies are not made to digest meat. The intestinal track of carnivores is very short. They eat their kill and the digested meat passes through them very quickly. In contrast, the intestinal track of humans is very long. The process of human digestion requires a longer the transit time. Meat putrefies, or rots, in the gut because digestion takes so long. That is food for thought.

The authors also include problems with dairy foods, and fish. Dairy products (milk, cheese) produce mucus in the body. It clogs up the cells. Many fish are loaded with toxins do to polluted water. The body stores these poisons in the fat cells. You will stay fat until you rid your body of the toxins.

Government agencies where formed to protect our health and the food we consume. Freedman and Barmouin site examples where these agencies have failed in that endeavor. They raise serious questions that the reader should consider.

After one hundred and forty pages of eating boot camp, Freedman and Barmouin devote thirty seven pages to foods they recommend, including good snacks and sweet desserts. They also have four weeks of menus.

Kim Barnouin is a former model and Rory Freedman is a former agent for Ford Models. They are both "Skinny Bitches." They have found a healthy way to eat and be thin for life. If you want to look like them, the invitation is to eat like them.

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