Thursday 29 September 2011

Book Review - Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle"

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is a granddaddy of all successful dieting approaches. It covers motivation, in depth knowledge and strategy to mobilise the forces of nature and your own very body into helping you to shed pounds of fat, and tone up. Tom Venuto places directly into your palms every single bit of knowledge a person could ever require to eat right, workout right, and gain the shape you desire.

This book is founded on the magic principle that an ounce of muscle burns fat more efficiently than any diet, even when you are at rest.

Venuto installs Killer Motivation and Never Quit Mindset

The book is split into a superb goal setting and motivation section where it teaches you how to set proper goals and use NLP affirmations and Visualisation from psyco-cybernetics to keep you motivated committed and pumped for success. This is where most programs let you down and why most diets or training programs come nowhere close to burn the fat feed the muscle. This is awesome and the same principles can be used in all areas of your life, and hey it WORKS, anyone who is a champion bodybuilder knows how to stay the course, overcome laziness, procrastination and be self motivated, this can improve your life in every area!

In my opinion this section of the book is by far the most important, as its the single reason we fail to achieve our goals, not addressing them properly, Tom goes into Great detail and guides you into creating a goal list that will keep you driven and productive in the hard times, whats more the principles are translatable to every area of your life.

I cannot stress the importance of this enough, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail. this is not gobbledygook. The human mind needs a target or it hits whatever your thoughts are dominated by which can be pretty scary if you are a cynic.

Why What works for John may not work for you, and what WILL work for you.

I like the way Tom has gone into detail about different body metabolic types, a much misunderstood concept, and something most training and dieting systems ignore, there are strategies in this book for every body type that will work for you

What to eat, when to eat it and why you will outperform everyone else.
Special little foods that amplify your metabolism and stimulate muscle growth, certain veggies that increase muscle and the importance of regular protein intake, why you should eat a lower carb diet and increase protein intake

What Weight training to do to stimulate muscle growth & Why Cardio is so important

Weight training as you can imagine is covered in detail and you get some sample workouts as well, The weight training package in this program covers the exercise which helps you to gain strength and muscle as easily as possible. It's the missing piece of the fat loss puzzle that can turbo-charge your diet or exercise program and finally help you achieve the body you've always wanted.

As you know combining cardio and weight training has a synergistic effect maximising a high metabolic burn rate for hours after you workout, expecially if you have done very intense cardio.

Secret Tip:When you BUY the book - read chapter 14,- So you can immediately start the program, then read the chapter on cardio- then read about the weight training, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, go to the Motivation and Goal setting section and DO the work. If you do all this you will be golden and have the body of a spartan in 3 months!

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