Thursday 29 September 2011

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Independent Review

Thinking About Buying Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle? WAIT! Find Out What You're Getting; Look before you Leap!!!

The claims made by Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle in most cases appear to be outrageous and maybe even unbelievable. The testimonials; come on! Do they actually come from real persons it does not seem to me that real people actually write this type of over the top gibberish? It seems someone took a lot of effort for whatever reason to put together one long winded page as their official website. I know when I read it my mind went back and forth between legitimacy and scam. Notwithstanding the cost which appeared a bit pricey for an eBook, I had to admit the actual concept was a bit intriguing. It's getting harder every day to distinguish the legitimate fat loss programs from the ones that aren't so...

I suggest a litmus test is in order before you purchase Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Let's start with the man behind the book. Tom Venuto is a featured author in magazines such as Natural Bodybuilding& Fitness, Men' Exercise and Men's Fitness, iron man and a small excerpt about his latest book found its way into the Oprah magazine. His presence has also graced the pages of hundreds of websites. Oh and let's not forget Tom's hardcover book The Body Fat Solution (Penguin/Avery books) is a national best-seller.

But wait, Tom is a bodybuilder first, and he has based his whole system of fat-burning secrets on firsthand knowledge of bodybuilders and fitness models. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say; Mr. Venuto appears to practice what he preaches. My mind entertained "Steroids" for a second then realized this guy has been competing in drug-tested competitions for over 20 years. My conclusion was that he must have done it naturally; no one can evade the scrutiny of drug testing for that long.

Why don't we peel another layer off this onion and examine the actual book. Since its release back in 2002 the Burn the Fat eBook has enjoyed success and spent 4 years in a row on the #1 eBook best seller list. Most of your weight loss programs have not even been around this long let alone made it to the top of the best seller charts. I am starting to think this coupled with the top level magazines carrying his articles is beginning to give this fellow some credibility.

But let's dig further, does this program actually work?

Is there some logic to Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle's claim that bodybuilders and fitness models are among the leanest athletes in the world? If there is can we assume that by using the same methods they used to get lean; logic would dictate that we would achieve the same results? It seems to make some sense. But, what do they mean there is no magic portion to get us there?

There is however, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle the eBook where you will quickly learn that you don't get 6-pack abs or a fitness model body training a few minutes a day and eating everything you want. Not even close, you will find out it will take a lifestyle change including a structured nutrition program. Tom realizes that you don't undertake a lifestyle change of this magnitude by yourself. A web search will show you there are a couple of free Burn the Fat forums (Facebook and Yahoo) in addition to Burn the Fat inner circle paid online community sponsored by Venuto himself (optional, not included with eBook). Together these groups boast thousands of members supporting each other to implement this program.

Still haven't heard enough, keep surfing the web, there are positive reviews to be found with little or no effort. Many of these even include before and after photos of all the people that have been successful with this program. It appears the legitimacy of this program is building up some credibility and it is becoming harder to dispute the fact that this is not one of the most established online programs. It's hard to dispute that Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is one of the most established fat loss programs online. It has apparently been working for the bodybuilders and fitness models for decades, and has survived on the internet since 2002, now that is some stamina there.

Now for the big "BUT", will it work for YOU?

Time for a little honesty here, we pretty much established people can be successful with this program. However, we also have to acknowledge that this type of intense program may not be for everyone. If you are not ready for a significant investment of time and effort to put in the hard work, focus, and dedication to be successful; this program will probably not work for you. Now, if you are ready for the challenge of your life and have given up on the magical supplements and fad diets where results are seldom permanent; there is no doubt Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle will work for you. The main focus is on nutrition it requires counting calories and crunching numbers to create menu plans. There's value in precision, and if you are detail oriented, like structure, and enjoy planning this program will have you singing. They say the devil is in the details, well Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is 300 pages of details that explain the how and more importantly the why of everything.

Are You Ready for the Bottom Line?

If you are in search of a program that promises you will lose weight overnight and have a ripped abdomen without working out, you are on the wrong page. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is definitely not the right program for you. This program is designed for individuals that are serious about weight loss, serious about their looks, and last but not least serious about their health. This program will challenge you physically and mentally and requires committing to a lifestyle change. If you are ready for the challenge this program is an excellent investment that actually delivers what it promises. Yes, I have to concede it may not be a one size fits all; but it does deliver on its claims. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is a legitimate program with a proven track record. Are you ready to get yourself in the best shape of your life and want to know what it takes?

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