Thursday 29 September 2011

Eat Stop Eat Book - Can This Program Really Help You Lose Weight?

As far as the effective weight loss program is concerned, generally there are two principles involved. They are the intermittent fasting and strength exercises. It is generally quite easier to follow some of the weight loss program but the question is to what extent we have to change our life style. If we are asked to change it to the greater extent, then you will definitely be in trouble.

The above title is an e-book. It contains so many weight loss program that you will be quite excited to read about them. It has been written by Brad Pilon who is a well known nutritionist.

In this particular book he has laid emphasis on practicing intermittent fasting. You will have to control your eating habit. This will boost your weight loss program.

Suppose you are on a fast for even one day or two then as well you will considerably loose the weight. According to him, if you fast for longer time then it might not work for you. Many people think that in this way they will loose more weight. But let me tell you one thing that this might work against you. If you will do this then the metabolism rate might slow down. However if you will fast for smaller period of time then your metabolism rate might not slow down. That is why he has suggested that fast should be practiced for smaller period and once or twice in a week.

As we all know that the metabolism is necessary for the food digestion. Hence if the metabolism is slowed down then this does mean that you will not loose the weight fast. I think that now you have got the point.

The intermittent fasting is definitely a very handy method. You can drink beverages during the fast. One more thing which is quite confirmed is that you do not go for the complete fasting. On the day when you are doing the intermittent fasting, you can follow the dieting and on the other days you can have your usual diet. In this way you will be able to eat the chicken and yet your weight will be balanced.

Lot many people from all over the world are following this book and all of them has been benefited from it. It might be that you will have to follow the dieting, but you will definitely be benefited.

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