Thursday 29 September 2011

"Eat This, Don't Eat That" - How to Deal With Childhood Obesity and Weight Loss Camps

When you need a book that will help you deal with your overweight/obese child, consider picking up, "Eat This, Don't Eat That" authored by David Zinczenko in conjunction with Matt Goulding. It's getting wonderful reviews but does it actually measure up to other childhood obesity books sold on the market?

To start, "Eat This, Don't Eat That" is put together very well and has some very practical advice for anyone who wishes to read it. One of the many very informative chapters explains childhood nutrition in eight simple rules, geared toward the education of both parents and children about the problems seen in today's diets... one of which is misinformation. Most people know about proper nutrition and what they need to attain it but society has set of traps that people tend to fall into. For instance, the super-sized food proportions, no mealtime structure and the hidden sugar in foods.

It's also got some great childhood food comparisons such as Mac & Cheese vs. Spaghettios. Would you believe that Spaghettios has less calories and fat grams as opposed to Mac & Cheese? The Pepper Pals Country-Fried Chicken sold at Chili's is over 1,100 calories, which is much more than a child's daily calorie requirements.

However, there are two issues with "Eat This, Don't Eat That" that people may have a problem with. They are:

- Misusing the information
- Not a lot of talk on exercise

When you have this book, you can't just use it as a way to begin eating right or making the right kind of food purchases. You must read the entire book and understand what message it is trying to convey so that you can apply it to your child's everyday life. Remember even if you're eating right in restaurants, it won't mean nothing if you don't apply it to his/her home life.

A big reason for the rise in childhood obesity is the sedentary lives that people tend to lead, which the book fails to put a lot of emphasis on. It does, however, mention some fantastic exercises for the entire family near the end. Bear in mind that the way to get children healthy is to get them off the couch, away from the video games and outside playing and exercising.

The "Eat This, Don't Eat That" book is worth the money when it's used correctly and only if the parents will include exercises in their child's life, as diet is not enough. Another way parents can include fitness into their child's life is to send them off to a weight loss camp (also known as fat camp). These camps can help them realize the importance behind exercising and eating right. Counselors at these weight loss camps for kids will make sure every child gets plenty of exercise and the right kind of food.

Joe Busch specializes in writing articles related to healthy weight loss for kids. He focuses on proper diets, exercise, and weight loss camp. Parents with children that struggle with their weight should consider what used to be called a "fat camp" to jump start the process.

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