Thursday 29 September 2011

Eating During The Holidays

Well, I know you are probably expecting a blog that will say what most other health sites or trainers/experts will say. You know, the ones who will tell you to avoid everything this time of year...don't go overboard, etc. The ones that scare you into thinking that this ONE MEAL per year will make you gain 100 lbs in one day. You might be reading this and thinking "Um, aren't you a personal trainer. Shouldn't you be telling me NOT to indulge? Don't all trainers feel this way?"

NO, not me.

It drives me nuts when reading or hearing the "experts" that would have you believe you can never enjoy life and have things from time to time and still maintain a fit and healthy body (externally and internally.) While there are things that I will never consume again (beef or pork for example), I DO allow myself to enjoy everything else from time to time. It's all in moderation. By moderation, I mean EVERY SO OFTEN, not whenever you get the urge. While I won't go into any long blog about watching calorie consumption like a hawk this holiday season (all my clients know my philosophy on this: Enjoy and eat what you want during special occasions such as birthdays and holidays and CLEAN THE DIET BACK UP after it's over. Just try to keep your calories from hitting 5 digits) I do want to give my Top 5 List of signs that you went a little TOO far at the dinner table.

My Top 5

1. IF you happen to wake up with your face in your plate because you blacked out from 10 lbs of food entering your body in less than 15 min, you may have went too far.

2. IF your family felt the need to have the Guinness Book Of World Records on hand this year to document you at the dinner table, you MIGHT be getting Ready to go too far.

3. IF you have to go out the day after Christmas and buy a 2nd scale so you have one for each foot, you may have went too far.

4. IF you want to install a dinner table that's larger than the one the students eat on at Hogwarts, you have the capability to go too far.

5. And number 5...IF you get a personal letter from your local gym offering to train you for free because they feel so bad for you, you WENT too far.
If you went overboard, ask me for more information on an excellent cleanse you can do the day after a huge feast. Truly cleanses you out internally quickly and you probably already have the ingredient in your kitchen cabinet right now!

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