Thursday 29 September 2011

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

The Freshman 15 is a true plague which strikes a lot of new college students in what is supposed to be one of the best times of their life. Why it happens and how to avoid the freshman 15 is what this article is all about.

Here are some tips to stop the Freshman 15 weight gain:

1. Don't go overboard with alcohol - College parties are fun and they're part of campus life, but they're also a place in which you can drink a lot of alcohol which is merely sugar and empty calories. This is one the fastest ways to gain weight. So, go to parties if you want, but cut down the alcohol.

2. Eat healthy - College food is bad food and often fast food like pizzas, fries, burgers, and so on. I know you have very little time your freshman year, but unless you want to gain a lot of weight, you have to eat healthy. It will also help you be a better student, as bad food can also reduce your energy and make you feel more tired.

Get a salad at the cafeteria instead of pizza, buy some fruit instead of candy bars. You can eat healthy in college.

3. Sleep enough hours - Lack of sleep is a sure way to gain weight. Studies have proved it. If you want to avoid the freshman 15, make sure to sleep enough hours.

4. Find a little time to exercise even if it's just for a few minutes every day.

5. The Freshman 15 is often caused by stress eating. The huge task of classes, papers, and studies you have to do create a lot of stress and this drives you to overeat. Unless you deal with stress eating (which is emotional eating in fact), nothing will help.

Stop stress eating, and you will likely not have the freshman 15.

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