Thursday 29 September 2011

In Defense of Food - Calling For Re-Examination of Eating Habits and Food Choices of Dieters

Do you want to know why you are not losing any pounds at all? Do you want to pinpoint the culprit in your diet? What is the real problem why some people do not lose weight despite their efforts? Read this article about a book called "In Defense of Food" and learn how to call for re-examination of eating habits and food choices of dieters.

Michael Pollan addressed the root cause of weight problems by most people. He is the proud author of five nutrition books, professor of Journalism, and writer for the New York Times Magazine. According to Michael, the main reason why we are experiencing a steady increase in the number of people getting obese and overweight every day is that we do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. As our society evolves and so does our way of living. Instead of moving towards betterment, we seem to be moving backward with all the unhealthy foods that we are feeding to our body.

In his book "In Defense of Food," Michael explained that the only way we can resolve this current dilemma is to review our eating habits and choices. He criticized the unhealthy Western Diet with its high calorie, high carbohydrate, and high fat contents leading to poor nutrition and higher risk to health complications. He also published a cross-comparison study of various cultures towards dining for purposes other than health and longevity. These include satisfying their pleasure, boosting their identity, and making them feel part of their society.

Michael highlighted in his book "In Defense of Food" that what we are feeding ourselves today are not healthy. Healthy stuffs are those that we eat couple of years ago, those that grow fresh from our gardens and farms, those animals that we raised without any chemicals, and those plain and clean things that we eat when life was simple and easy.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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