Thursday 29 September 2011

Eat This Not That For Kids by David Zinczenko With Matt Goulding

I remember a while back when Shaquille O'Neal had a television show where he and some fitness trainers helped a group of overweight students. These minors were all overweight and unhealthy, and with Shaq's and the other's help, they started down a path toward health and fitness. I sure hope they stayed on the path after the show, and I also hoped the show motivated other youth to start exercising and eating healthy, because it really is needed. Too many children today are overweight, don't get enough physical exercise, and don't eat well. As a parent, I know getting kids to eat can be difficult at times, and I also know there are so many unhealthy foods aimed at our youngsters. "Eat This Not That For Kids" by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding is one of the "Eat This Not That" books in the popular series by the editor-in-chief of "Men's Health." This book, like the others in the series, helps make the better choices when selecting which foods to purchase and consume. So, if you want to make healthier selections for the foods your kids eat, this book will guide your way.

I like the dedication, "To all parents trying their best to make smart choices for their children." That's what we are all trying to do, and sometimes books like this can provide assistance we need. The book starts out letting the reader know the choice is theirs, and challenges parents to make the healthy choices. There are brief descriptions of some of the hidden health dangers caused by the wrong food choices, and how portion sizes have grown, along with the calories they contain. It includes a positive note that we can make our children's future better.

The next chapter contains some general guidelines for eating aimed at kids. Following these simple rules will have a huge impact on one's health. Next comes some guidelines for eating out. The authors don't insist you don't eat at restaurants, but do encourage you to stay vigilant, savvy, and smart.

Next comes the 20 worst kids' foods in America. If you are like me, you have probably fed your kids things from this list. I sort of cringed reading about some of them. It is definitely an eye opener.

After those, comes the listings of foods showing what not to eat and what to eat in various categories. The pages tell why you should or shouldn't chose items and provide calories, fat, and sodium amounts for those listed, as well as other little facts and tidbits to help you with your dining choices.

The categories are specific restaurants, menu decoder to help with various places, supermarket choices, at school, at home, and concluding with a short motivational chapter on a fitness legacy.

I really like this series of books. They provide some very good advice, and help make choices to lead healthy lifestyle. This book, "For Kids," will help parents make better choices for their children and help our youngsters grow to be fit and healthy adults.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a writer, speaker, and mediator who teaches how to live, take action, and get things done through the Warrior's Edge. He is an expert on conflict and mediates and teaches conflict resolution and negotiation. Additionally, he teaches physical conflict skills in his Hapkido and Self-Defense courses, lectures, and seminars. Alain is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From The School Of Hard Knocks, the DVDs Hapkido Hoshinsul, Streetfighting Essentials, Hapkido Cane, the Lock On Joint Locking series, and numerous articles and reviews.

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